Edema, which is swelling during pregnancy in the ankles, feet and even other parts of the body, isn’t usually a cause for alarm, as some swelling is to be expected, especially during the warmer summer months and during the second and third trimester, says Professor Busch. However, it is important to keep an eye on the symptoms of swelling as edema accompanied by other symptoms can signal more serious, underlying problems such as blood clotting or heart trouble. If this is the case it is very important to contact a health care professional immediately.

Virtually every woman will experiences some swelling after the 20th week, and the swelling is usually caused by changes in blood chemistry, which shifts some fluid into tissues. By the third trimester the increasing weight of the uterus puts pressure on the pelvic veins. The vena cava (large vein on the right side of the body) carries blood from the feet back up to the heart, and during pregnancy that blood can stagnate in the lower legs and feet, causing fluid retention and swelling in just that area.

One way to prevent further swelling is to get up and walk every 30 minutes or so. Some pregnant women find it increasingly difficult to walk or stand for extended periods, and this exacerbates the swelling. If for whatever reason you find it difficult to walk, or at least stand up and move around, then I would recommend STEPIT™, which can help in relieving the symptoms of swelling by getting the blood flowing from the lower extremities back up to the heart.

For more information, please visit: www.StepitUSA.com

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